Ways to work

It’s time to practice what you teach, Mama. And invest in yourself.

It’s far less about what you tell your children and much more about what they see you doing…

As mothers, we focus so much on our children’s wellbeing that we, so often, forget about our own

  • It’s challenging to show your children that rest is valuable if you don’t practice it yourself. (They’re watching you.)

  • It’s hard to respond calmly to your children, when you don't feel calm inside yourself. (How can you help your child feel grounded when you don’t feel that way?)

  • It’s difficult to model to your children that they deserve support when you can’t ask for help yourself as you feel like a burden to others all too often. 

  • It’s hard to encourage your children to value time spent on themselves, doing what they want, when you feel guilty when you do it for yourself. 

It’s time to invest in your own wellbeing. You can’t afford not to anymore. Burnout. Rage. Anxiety. It doesn’t have to be as intense as it feels right now.

Change does take a commitment. You deserve (and NEED) to finally make yourself one.

Ways to work:

Matrescence Coaching:

Actionable, solution focused conversations intended to leave you feeling motivated, encouraged and set up for the desired change you are craving in your life as a mother and a woman. This is high level support; ideal for moms looking for gentle accountability and empowerment on their motherhood journey. Group coaching is available through the Becoming Mama program.

Motherhood Therapy:

Not your typical therapy sessions; educational, relatable and inspiring. Explore, reflect and process the changes in your identity and relationships as it pertains to your role as mother and motherhood either in a one-on-one session with the clinical expertise of Chelsea or in our signature group offerings, which are highly recommended and clinically advised as part of your therapy experience.

NOTE: Chelsea does not provide PMAD treatment, but has an extensive list of providers of which she can make strong referrals to as needed. 

Online Learning:

Self-paced online course or the group experience of Becoming Mama (available both through group coaching and clinically as a processing group). Designed to support burned out, overwhelmed and ambitious mothers find their me-time, confidence and self compassion once again; to bring themselves back into the picture when motherhood has felt so all consuming.

Professional Training:

For those who support mothers professionally, this training is a 5 month commitment designed to expand your knowledge of matrescence and modern motherhood. You will be ushered into developing your own matresentric orientation that supports the mothers you work with by expanding your offerings to reflect the full transformation of what it means to become and be a mother.

Why you need GROUP work throughout motherhood:

Why do we clinically and otherwise recommend groups as part of your healing journey? Women have met in circles since the beginning of time (not to get too woo-woo on you here); it is where we have felt most powerful, most aligned and most safe. Women need other women and therefore, mothers need other mothers. Meeting in groups, circles, is a fundamental aspect of understanding your experience as a mother through the lens of matrescence.
Plus the other benefits:

1. Mothers are lonely; we crave social connection and are social creatures. Mothering alone, without our village, goes against how we are hardwired to survive.

2. We can more easily break the system when we stand hand in hand with one another; why individually feel guilty when we can collectively feel angry? And anger can be a motivator for change.

3. Your partner won’t ever understand all the ways in which you’ve changed, your full transformation. Yet other mothers can…when you turn to another mother who really deeply sees you…you stop yearning to be seen in those intimate ways by your partner and the resentment towards them begins to lessen.