You are connected to Mama Earth more than you know, Mama.

Can you feel it?

Today is the Spring Equinox, a very sacred time for balancing and harmonizing internal energies, for embracing change and for shifting perspectives. is charged full of opportunity and emotion. Do you feel it? Are you ready to feel into this change of Season, Mama?

Winter is finally transitioning into Spring. New life is being born. What has been asleep, is waking up. What has been dead, is being born again.

 The Spring Equinox marks the merging of two polarities: the sun and the moon, the day and the night. They merge into oneness, wholeness...where they are equal parts, both of mutual importance, significance and beauty. It marks the first day of Spring; a season of birth.

Mama, today you are reflected in Mother Earth's transition of two polarities merging.

Inherent in your journey of becoming a Mother, you are being born from woman to Mother. You are reflected in the moon and the sun, the dark and the light, the day and the night. You are both mother and woman. You have polarity existing in you throughout this transition to mother and today/tonight, might you be able to see yourself "whole" and full in all that you are. May you see yourself being born, just like all of nature during Spring.

So many women struggle in their journey of woman to mother. They often question where their pre-motherhood self has gone and who they are becoming. They sit in conflict with themselves, uncertain of what to make of their divided self.

If we focus too much on one aspect of ourselves during matrescence, then the other side goes neglected. And often times, it is the "woman" side that is forgotten as the mother puts all that she is into her new role and identity of mother (cue intensive mothering). Yet the woman needs nurturing and attention too, as she unfolds into her fullness as a mother and all aspects of her new self. She needs to recall who she once was, what brought her joy, what pushed her, called to her, beckoned her to awaken every morning. In essence, she is to remember her "winter" season.

In every change of season, it is a prime time to reflect, dream and plan. It is a time to release, let go and recharge with intention. The Spring Equinox begs of us to do just that. Below are some journaling prompts to help you begin to reflect on your Winter season and what seeds you want to nurture in yourself this Spring.

Journal prompts for the Spring Equinox

For you on your path, Mama...

In my journey to becoming a Mother + honoring all that I am as a Woman...

-What am I releasing? (Be it shame, guilt, rejection, fear, disappointment, expectations etc.)

-What has been holding me back from accepting myself on my journey?

-What is being unearthed in me? What is ready to be created or re-created? (Are you mothering in a way that aligns with your values? Are you finding a rhythm? Do you feel a new confidence in yourself?)

-What does Balance mean to me right now? (How am I honoring myself as a woman? How do I nurture myself as a mother? How do I attend to my relationships? What does it mean for me to be full and whole?)

-What gives your life a sense of expansion, growth? (Are there hobbies you miss? Where are you in your career? What brings you joy and pleasure?)

-What is of utmost importance to me as humanity steps into this new season of light, rebirth and awakening? (How do I see myself as a part of something greater than me? How can I/my family contribute to the rebirth and light-ness of this season?)

However and where ever you find yourself today, it is where you are supposed to be on your journey of woman to mother. You are alive, shifting, adjusting and are always being reborn. Honor yourself as a woman and mother. Not just today, but always.


Do you really want to know how Mama is doing? Try these start-ups instead.


Who is that in the mirror? It isn’t me.